Thursday 16 October 2014

You can't fix stupid... but I wish you could!

You wouldn't know it but I've recently returned to work from a week's break, which was totally awesome because we had our first child free nights together in 2.5 years!!  (That's another post, which I'll write later) 
This week though has been the week from hell.  It's not the clients or colleagues that have been annoying.  No, I can safely say that I've got a brilliant team I work with because they are so supportive and a lot of fun. (and no, I'm not sucking up to them. :))  It's when you work with government department who are not helpful to your cause!!!  Unfortunately for all in the industry I work in, we have a government (state and federal) that is not interested in building social capital and investing in its people and it shows.

It would be nice if I was able to present a really good proposal to the powers that be and have it actioned and supported by people in power, but no.  "Oh we'll just wait and see what comes about, keep your fingers crossed." My fingers are cramping because of the amount of time I spend with them cossed!!!  You really can't fix stupid and you can't change people's minds when they think that they're right and you just shouldn't stick your nose in. 

Tuesday 14 October 2014


I have just decided to resurrect this blog.  I'm back at work now and my daughter is 2 so there's a whole new fountain of fodder. (sic)

I need to make a comment on bogans.  I have this client who has a complicated case in court at the moment.  In an email to her case worker, she says that ÿouse"are going to give me my kids back.  IT reminded me of the scene in "Gettin'Square"where the guy's at the parole hearing and he says "Youse are gonna let me out" I don't know about anyone else here but that sort of language on the record puts me right off.

Wednesday 17 October 2012

It's not hard...

I get a little irritated when people say they can't eat healthy on a tight budget.  We live on a food budget of $240 maximum per fortnight.  There are two things I cannot live without.  The $120 food challenge and my freezer.  I read Sandra's posts on how to make the challenge work for you.  She said look for the specials each week in the supermarket.  I love doing this because it means we can have things we may not normally eat.  For example, we had prawns tonight.  Thanks Coles for having them on special a couple of weeks ago.  I was able to freeze them then pull them out.  I served them up with some left over asparagus risotto.  Also thanks Coles for that.  It was a really great meal for not a lot of money.  I need to do more of these things instead of having one of those "oh my god what an I going to do about dinner" moments.  I now need to try to get organised for the food for the next couple of weeks.  What's on special, where?  With such wonderful things like freezers, specials and $120 food challenge, why do people buy packet stuff?  Is it lack of education? Time poor ness (if that's a word) or just plain laziness?
Wet washing hanging on the line...  Or not

I recently started to follow the organised house wife's great blog to try to improve my organisational skills.  It's a great place and there are excellent tips, but do you think I follow them?  No.  The washing is a task that is constantly falling behind.  Right now there are two baskets sitting in the lounge room, one on the line and one in the clothes dryer.  There is also a load in the hamper downstairs and stuff waiting to go in.  I try to keep a routine, but sometimes when you have a baby, it's a bit difficult to hold down the routine.

Solution, I need to be more disciplined about the washing.  Maybe I should close now and actually catch up on the load that is ready to go into the machine.

Sunday 7 October 2012

Hello world, there's a song that we're singing...

I'm trying to compose this post whilst watching call the midwife.  Unfortunately it's the last episode so I'll miss it.  I guess I've decided to this because I need a non-child outlet.
I'm also trying to be organised.  If you ask my poor long suffering husband, it's not happening.  Oh well, here goes.