Wednesday 17 October 2012

It's not hard...

I get a little irritated when people say they can't eat healthy on a tight budget.  We live on a food budget of $240 maximum per fortnight.  There are two things I cannot live without.  The $120 food challenge and my freezer.  I read Sandra's posts on how to make the challenge work for you.  She said look for the specials each week in the supermarket.  I love doing this because it means we can have things we may not normally eat.  For example, we had prawns tonight.  Thanks Coles for having them on special a couple of weeks ago.  I was able to freeze them then pull them out.  I served them up with some left over asparagus risotto.  Also thanks Coles for that.  It was a really great meal for not a lot of money.  I need to do more of these things instead of having one of those "oh my god what an I going to do about dinner" moments.  I now need to try to get organised for the food for the next couple of weeks.  What's on special, where?  With such wonderful things like freezers, specials and $120 food challenge, why do people buy packet stuff?  Is it lack of education? Time poor ness (if that's a word) or just plain laziness?

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